Thursday, April 15, 2010

Catedral Rock

The sounds in the world

Stood silent for now--

No human civilization

To distract from the beauty

Of the mesmerizing place before me.


Right now--

I feel as though the world is singing

In perfect harmony.

No off pitch noise

To ruin the perfect moment.

Authors note: Today some of the most beautiful places in the world can be ruined by the simple everyday things amongst us. It seems that wherever we go technology is always present. When I was in Arizona this was everything but that. My brother and I climbed a mountain called Cathedral Rock, and the silence let us soak in the beauty of the scene. This poem is about how a simple car horn can spoil a perfect moment.


  1. wow i really understood how you were feeling with this poem. it was very good, just check on the few spelling errors

  2. That was really good and I feel the same way with technology. If we just break it down to what is absolutely necessary life would be so much more peaceful.

  3. That was really cool. I agree with about technology ruining perfect moments, and I can relate really well to this poem.

  4. That was an awesome poem. I really could hear your voice in it, and tell you were really annoyed. Nice job.

  5. This was a good poem because you really let through your anger. Watch your spelling though.

  6. Nice job! I totally know what you are saying people get to caught up in technolgy to realize the beauty of the world we live in! Watch your spelling, but fantastic job!

  7. This is a really cool poem and you make a good point! I agree 100% that simple things, like you said, can ruin a very good moment.

  8. That was really cool. I totally agree with you that technology can sometimes ruin the best things. You had really good voice that really expressed the way you feel. Good job!
